COJ Campus Clubs
The COJ Campus Club is an initiative to address the concerning affairs of Muslim students on campuses where they struggle between thrusting towards the deen and away from destructive behaviours. The situation on campuses calls for a unique approach to provide the right kind of information, guidance and platform for the students to grow spiritually, mentally and physically in both the online and offline worlds.
Many students on today's campuses are alcoholics, drug addicts, pornography addicts, and depressed which shows the dire need for building an aid for students to come out of their campus life as successful Muslims. The COJ campus club thus aims to develop a hub for Muslim students from varied backgrounds and lifestyles where, they can unite under the banner of ummat-e-Muhammed (ﷺ), fight off the fitnah of getting farther from deen, and find fellow Muslim travellers with whom holding on to the hot coals of this dunya would become easier.